Occassionally, I will break from a series to share what’s on my mind, my “musings.” You will find other series by clicking on the categories to the right.

28 December 12, 2024

Morris’ Musings: God Sees You

2024-12-28T23:18:25-05:00December 28, 2024|Categories: Morris' Musings|0 Comments

Do you ever feel invisible, like no one really knows or understands you? Do you feel forced to wear a mask to hide your pain or circumstances, which further pushes you toward feeling alone? I serve as a chaplain with Operation Christmas Child (OCC) at the Dallas-Ft. Worth Processing Center (PC), [...]

5 September 09, 2024

Morris’ Musings: Pivot at 65

2024-10-01T09:28:25-05:00September 5, 2024|Categories: Morris' Musings|3 Comments

Today, September 8, 2024, marks three years since Jesus sent His angels to escort Jasmine to her heavenly home. In a previous post, I recounted that at 60, God directed Jasmine and me to merge our ministry and life experiences, and we established Shepherds Wellspring Ministries (SWM). Little did I know [...]

17 July 07, 2024

Morris’ Musings: This Isn’t About Politics

2024-07-18T16:50:02-05:00July 17, 2024|Categories: Morris' Musings|0 Comments

This article is is in response to a speech at the 2024 Republican National Convention (RNC). But in keeping with my usual practice of not blogging or publicly commenting on politics, this isn’t about politics; it’s about faith and forgiveness. Michael Morin delivered a compelling speech on the second night of [...]

16 July 07, 2024

Morris’ Musings: Inspired at Sixty

2024-07-16T16:07:59-05:00July 16, 2024|Categories: Morris' Musings|0 Comments

Several years ago, I was privileged to meet Michael Belk, renowned photographer and founder of Journeys with the Messiah. His unique photographs depicting Jesus in first-century settings, accompanied by twenty-first-century props and characters, captivated my interest. He told me about his journey that began as a high-fashion photographer, traveling the world [...]

12 January 01, 2024

Morris’ Musings: Prayers for Grandchildren

2024-01-12T17:16:04-05:00January 12, 2024|Categories: Morris' Musings|0 Comments

This week, our church began a 21-day fast. For the past few days, I have been pondering writing a blog about the importance of praying for our children and grandchildren. Then, I received a popup on Facebook that Jasmine had written eight years ago when our first granddaughter, Leila, was only [...]

23 December 12, 2023

Morris’ Musings: Blue Christmas

2023-12-23T18:41:28-05:00December 23, 2023|Categories: Morris' Musings|2 Comments

Put yourself in Joseph's sandals. Betrothed to a young virgin, only to find out that she is pregnant, he places her on a donkey and leads her on a week-long 80-mile trip through mountainous terrain from Nazareth to Bethlehem. The sky was a deep blue, illuminated by a massive canopy of [...]

29 July 07, 2023

Morris’ Musings: Be Still

2024-10-21T00:24:44-05:00July 29, 2023|Categories: Morris' Musings|2 Comments

Pictured is my granddaughter, Emily, at one year old, waiting for her appointment with her chiropractor. Chiropractor? Yes, she has been going to a chiropractor since she was an infant. Reading her expression, I’m unsure of what is happening inside her. It could be fear, anxiety, or concern for her mom, [...]

17 July 07, 2023

Morris’ Musings: Transitions

2023-09-23T22:41:55-05:00July 17, 2023|Categories: Morris' Musings|0 Comments

Jasmine had a refined artistic touch that flowed from her Japanese cultural heritage. Her fingerprints were visible throughout our home—her portrait, her framed 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle of a geisha woman, and her painting of a Japanese garden adorned our walls. Dry flower arrangements stood prominently in tall vases accented by many [...]

27 May 05, 2023

Iam Tongi, Monsters, and Fatherhood

2023-06-06T10:07:10-05:00May 27, 2023|Categories: Morris' Musings|2 Comments

Why am I feeling so emotional? I am watching a video of Iam Tongi's duet with James Blunt from American Idol, singing Blunt's song "Monsters." Watching it live brought me to tears along with everyone else . . . and it is bringing me to tears again. Three months ago, I [...]

11 May 05, 2023

Morris’ Musings: My Theory on Mass Shooters

2023-05-11T10:28:13-05:00May 11, 2023|Categories: Morris' Musings|1 Comment

Mass shootings have reached epidemic proportions in the United States. It felt personal when it reached the Allen Premium Outlet Mall in Texas last Saturday afternoon. We have shopped there and have friends who live nearby. We mourn the eight innocent victims and pray for their family members, some of whom [...]

17 March 03, 2023

Morris’ Musings: It Took Me 57 Years!

2023-06-06T10:03:29-05:00March 17, 2023|Categories: Morris' Musings|3 Comments

The most well-known verse in the Bible is John 3:16. Every believer knows it, and everyone watching an NFL football game at least knows about it as "John 3:16" signs appear in the end zones. One could argue that the second most well-known verse is Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all [...]

26 May 05, 2022

Morris’ Musings: I Cannot Imagine . . .

2022-05-26T21:13:36-05:00May 26, 2022|Categories: Morris' Musings|3 Comments

“Dreams and aspirations motivate us. They give us focus and fuel to move forward. But what happens when those dreams and aspirations are crushed by an excruciating loss beyond our control? An unwanted divorce? Losing a child? Losing a spouse? I don't know which is the hardest; I suppose it is the [...]

14 April 04, 2022

Morris’ Musings: This Easter will be my most personal and meaningful!

2022-04-14T17:46:17-05:00April 14, 2022|Categories: Morris' Musings|0 Comments

When I pastored a small church with limited resources, I struggled to prepare an Easter sermon. How do I present the most significant event in human history in a fresh, creative way that will captivate the listeners' interest who have heard the story since childhood? Large churches might enlist a Christian [...]

9 November 11, 2021

Pause for Sacred Moments

2022-07-01T11:41:48-05:00November 9, 2021|Categories: God and My Journey with Jasmine, Jasmine's Covid Journey, Morris' Musings|6 Comments

The blog series will continue, but today I will pause to share some sacred moments. Yesterday, November 8, marked two months since Jasmine went to her home in Heaven. I went to her hometown of Hilo on the Big Island of Hawaii and poured some of her ashes into [...]

8 September 09, 2021

Morris Musing – Jasmine and Power of Your Love

2022-07-01T11:26:29-05:00September 8, 2021|Categories: Jasmine's Covid Journey, Morris' Musings|Tags: |5 Comments

While waiting on God to move, I reflect upon Jasmine's artistic talents. All of the decor in our home are expressions of her cultural identity and her family and spiritual values - the wall decor, flower arrangements, and the pictures of family. Jasmine also learned the cultural arts of Japanese dance [...]

26 August 08, 2021

Morris’ Musing – Surrendering the Last Piece of My Heart . . . Jasmine

2022-04-14T17:49:52-05:00August 26, 2021|Categories: Jasmine's Covid Journey, Morris' Musings|Tags: |6 Comments

The past 3 entries in my personal journal have been about surrender.  Jasmine and I live surrendered to God, to allow Christ to live in and through us (Galatians 2:20). As I have continually prayed for Jasmine’s healing, like the psalmist, I have asked God to search my heart for whatever [...]

19 August 08, 2021

Morris’ Musing – A Fact About Jasmine that Will Not Change

2022-07-01T11:09:35-05:00August 19, 2021|Categories: Jasmine's Covid Journey, Morris' Musings|Tags: |3 Comments

We envision the day when Jasmine finally comes home! We will rejoice! Life will be hard for a while. Many things will change. However, one thing about Jasmine will not change. Jasmine stays connected with friends from high school (yes, that was a very, very long time ago) and even friends [...]

16 August 08, 2021

Morris’ Musing

2023-07-21T12:59:55-05:00August 16, 2021|Categories: Jasmine's Covid Journey, Morris' Musings|Tags: |1 Comment

Jasmine's vitals remain stable. Her kidneys continue to be a focus for prayer as the medical markers are trending in the wrong direction. Every day, I get a message about another prayer group that is praying for Jasmine's healing. Every day, someone posts a message on Facebook about her situation and [...]

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