After losing a loved one, people often say, “You just need to move on.” But “moving on” infers that we leave the life that we had with the person behind, discounting the importance of the relationship. No, we “move forward,” meaning that we carry the memories with us – our shared experiences, joys, and struggles. Suffering a loss does not mean that all life is lost. God redeems the bad things that happen, transforming them into vehicles for growth. In the months since losing Jasmine, I have been reflecting upon the experience, and God has taught me several life lessons to move forward. This is a series of the top 7.
Stop and Consider . . .
Top 7 Life Lessons #7: Without an anchor, your life will drift. Embrace true hope, which is the anchor for the soul.
"We have an anchor that keeps the soul, Steadfast and sure while the billows roll, Fastened to the Rock which cannot move, Grounded firm and deep in the Savior's love." Priscilla Jane Owens (1829 - 1907) Growing up in church, we sang this old hymn above. I can still picture [...]