The blog series will continue, but today I will pause to share some sacred moments.

Yesterday, November 8, marked two months since Jasmine went to her home in Heaven. I went to her hometown of Hilo on the Big Island of Hawaii and poured some of her ashes into Hilo Bay where she fished with her dad as a child. Then back on the island of Oahu, her sister and I went to Papailoa Beach on the North Shore, a sentimental place for our family. I poured more of her ashes into the water near the spot where our son was married seven years earlier. A few years ago, we did the same for her mother, and yesterday her sister poured their mother’s remaining ashes into the ocean waters.

We know that Jasmine and her mother are together in Heaven and not in the ocean, but handling their earthly remains in this manner is our way of honoring their lives with the love, dignity, and respect that they deserve, and it is another step toward our healing and restoration.