This intriguing story is about a “divine appointment” where Jesus crossed social barriers to meet this woman’s deepest needs. It is about redemption but much more. Ultimately, we can be encouraged by knowing that God sees our past failures and present struggles, not to condemn us but to transform our lives.

18 July 07, 2022

Woman at the Well Part 3: Politically Incorrect

2022-07-29T17:07:11-05:00July 18, 2022|Categories: The Woman at the Well|0 Comments

We live in a politically-driven, divided culture faced with conflict on every side, and it is becoming increasingly fractured. Allegations of racism, the sanctity of life vs. abortion rights, Judeo-Christian ethics vs. “woke” ideology, the list goes on and on. You get the picture. We cannot help but be concerned about [...]

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