31 March 03, 2022

Top 7 Life Lessons #4: Everyone will experience a crisis. An open heart to God restores hope. Move forward.

2022-04-09T11:48:56-05:00March 31, 2022|Categories: Top 7 Life Lessons for Moving Forward|0 Comments

"How long, O LORD, must I call for help, but you do not listen?" (Habakkuk 1:2) "The LORD is near the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit" (Psalm 34:18) When the doctor said, "She will never recover," it felt like a punch in the gut! I never expected to hear [...]

24 March 03, 2022

Top 7 Life Lesson #3: Sadness can hold you down. Rise above it by fueling your joy through giving. Move forward.

2022-03-24T00:23:32-05:00March 24, 2022|Categories: Top 7 Life Lessons for Moving Forward|1 Comment

The house is quiet now. The sound of Fox News or Asian dramas from the television is no longer flowing from the family room. The quietness reminds me that she is no longer here, and my sadness surfaces yet again. We spent a lot of time together at home. She was [...]

17 March 03, 2022

Top 7 Life Lessons #2: It is okay to have regrets, but do not allow them to define your future. Move forward.

2022-03-22T18:17:13-05:00March 17, 2022|Categories: Top 7 Life Lessons for Moving Forward|0 Comments

“If I had only known the last time would be the last time, I would’ve put off all the things I had to do.” From Scars in Heaven by Casting Crowns Amid the chaos in her hospital room, Jasmine was confused. I said to her, “They are transferring you to a [...]

10 March 03, 2022

Top 7 Life Lessons #1: Cherish the memories; carry them with you. Move forward.

2022-03-11T01:49:08-05:00March 10, 2022|Categories: Top 7 Life Lessons for Moving Forward|0 Comments

“Faded photographs, covered now with lines and creases Tickets torn in half, memories in bits and pieces.” I am dating myself by bringing up the lyrics of this song, Traces, which was released in 1968 by The Classics IV. The song reflects upon memories of a love that has been lost, hoping [...]

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