As God humbled me, He gave me new lenses to see the purity of Jasmine’s heart that fueled her passionate love for God and love for people. God showed me what He saw in her—a heart like Christ. Jesus’ heart was to reach the lost; He spoke the truth knowing that it would cause some to turn away from Him, but He was uncompromising. Jasmine’s heart mirrored those qualities. She shared the gospel with those who did not know Christ, even if it meant that they might reject her; she challenged believers who lived compromised lives because she wanted them to experience the life-transforming power of the Holy Spirit.

God had accomplished His work in me through her illness; He humbled me; He cleansed me of my prideful attitudes; He renewed my tenderness toward Jasmine. Having done so, He would surely raise her up, right? If our journey would have 617 turns like the Road to Hana, we were at turn 37. I told God that I was willing to travel the remaining 579 turns with Jasmine, no matter how long and extremely difficult the journey might be—physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Stop and Consider: Earlier, I addressed the need to face the wretchedness of our human nature (Romans 7:24). But God does not leave us to our own devices. Our hope is in verse 25, “Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Being broken and forgiven of our pride changes everything, not only how we see ourselves, but how we see others. If God has humbled you, how has that impacted the way you view and relate to others?

(Part 10: Head-On Collision at Turn 38)