The blind turns on the Road to Hana compel the driver to remain vigilant, but there is more along the way. Remember the bridges? There are times when you just need to park, get out of the vehicle, and stand on a bridge to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation—the waterfalls, the rock formations, and the lush green forests. Those times are relaxing and refreshing. On our journey, ‘standing on a bridge’ meant pausing to reflect upon the beauty of God’s people on their knees interceding for Jasmine, reading messages of encouragement and support, being still and spending time with Abba Father, or receiving a phone call and hearing, “You’re not alone. We’re with you.”
Stop and Consider: Life is hard; we live in a cruel world. We all need times of refreshing. What do you do to experience spiritual renewal and replenishing?
(Part 7: Three Ways to Lift Our Hand to God)
I sometimes drive to Kakaako park with my Bible and journal. I love watching the waves crashing on the rocks, boats floating afar. Just alone time with Jesus is refreshing.
I always spend time with Jesus. There have been several times when most needed I don’t seem to feel His presence or scripture is just that. Then I go back to the basics and press in, knowing Jesus knows my heart, my words are few, but His are living water to the soul.