When God said, “Surrender Jasmine to Me,” I wrestled with that for several days. Could He take her home to Heaven? Yes, He could. Did He have the power to raise her up from the hospital bed and heal her completely? Yes, He did, and I still believed that He would. I believed that God’s mission for Jasmine on earth was not complete. I believed He would honor the thousands of prayers for healing on her behalf. I believed God would gain greater glory if she lived than if she died.
Only by living in absolute surrender can we know the true meaning of walking by faith. This does not negate being human; it does not mean we never encounter doubts, fears, or disillusionment. It means having the courage to overcome those encounters by trusting in a loving, compassionate, and all-powerful God who imparts wisdom and strength to move forward at every turn. Finally, I responded in faith to what God asked of me and I surrendered Jasmine to Him. It was the last piece of my heart that He did not have.
Stop and Consider: We do not face life and death situations every day. Nevertheless, we are called to walk by faith in God. What does “walking by faith” mean to you?
(Part 6: The Bridges on the Road to Hana)
Knowing My purpose is to allow him to guide me, And be all he’s called me to be, that all I do daily is to honor and Glorify Him, daily. Pray without ceasing, praise Him in all things.
I quote my brother as he did the very definition of walking in faith-
“Only by living in absolute surrender can we know the true meaning of walking by faith.”
Quite simply, I feel to me it means having been born again.
GAL 2:20.
ROM 1:17
HAB 2:4
Beautiful sharing Morris. We all need to hear transparency and strength in our weaknesses, and surrender vs bitterness toward our Lord. He is in control no matter what.