“When the life is over…
And the race is run…
I can hear you calling, “Come”
I will come, while you sing over me.”


At 12:09 pm today, Jasmine heard Jesus say, “Come,” and she ran to Him as He sang over her a song of joy, welcoming her into His presence. Her life on earth is complete. She is now whole and fully alive, embraced by her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

She would have been overwhelmed by the love and support that she has received through this journey. She had absolutely no idea of how much she was loved, absolutely no idea! This blog will continue with updates, including information on a memorial service, the date and time to be determined.

On behalf of Rhapsody, Seizen, our five granddaughters, Jasmine’s sister Leona, and the entire Isara “Ohana”, thank you for your letters, text messages, phone calls, face-to-face talks, prayers, and offers of support. Words are not sufficient to express our heartfelt gratitude. Through you, God has imparted an added measure of grace and mercy to carry us through.

Excerpts from Ecclesiastes 3:1-4
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance . . .

Jasmine Lei Isara
March 17, 1951 – September 8 , 2021