Jasmine has been cleared for visitation! We had a sweet video visit last night with Rhapsody, Seizen, and her sister Leona. Today, I visited her in ICU. It was a blessing to be with her after nearly 3 weeks, including her hospitalization prior to ICU. Even though she is unable to respond, I spoke to her presuming that she can hear me, and told her of all of the prayer support that she is receiving. I also met her palliative care doctor who is a strong woman of faith (that was God’s timing) and one of her nurses with whom I have been in contact by phone.

Even though her recovery is a very slow process and sometimes there seems to be no change from day to day, she has come a long way from August 10 when she was first admitted to ICU. There are definite markers of improvement. Her heart is now stable and her lungs are absorbing oxygen with lower levels of support from the ventilator. They are taking a few more steps to prepare her for another CPAP trial, which is a marking point to eventually get her off the ventilator.

May God be glorified for His loving grace!