We paddled three double-hulled canoes into Maunalua Bay on the South Shore of Oahu for a sacred ceremony. At the desired location, we joined our canoes, and someone called out, “Oars up,” signaling to the people on the shore that Suzanne’s ashes were being poured into the ocean. Her husband dropped a plaque onto the floor of the bay, marking the location. This was the final resting place for her earthly remains, but we know her soul is with Jesus in heaven.
In her book, “Blessed! Rape to Redemption to Rewards,” Suzanne Maurer recounts how she was date raped at 19 and became pregnant. Abortion was not an option in the ’60s, but that would not have mattered. She chose to keep her baby rather than put it up for adoption. Twenty years later, her son, Darin, shared the gospel with her and gave her a Bible. She accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and kept her promise to God by reading her Bible every day for the next 42 years until Jesus welcomed her into heaven.
I met Suzanne less than two years ago, but she left an imprint on my soul that will endure for the rest of my life. Her story is a testimony of God’s redemption. He transformed the crisis of rape and unwanted pregnancy by redeeming Darin’s soul, who was conceived from the rape, and led his mother to Christ. In turn, Suzanne touched everyone she met with the love and gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. I am one of the thousands of lives she impacted.
Suzanne never sought prominence or popularity but lived to honor her Savior. In the Dedication of her book, she wrote, “This book is for all the ‘ordinary’ Christians, who are not ordinary at all. Through Christ, you can do all things, extraordinary things.” That characterized her life and is an encouragement to us ordinary Christians.
We may never lead a prominent church or ministry, make the news, or be written about in a book, but that doesn’t invalidate our value to God. As through an ordinary Christian like Suzanne, He can accomplish extraordinary things through us by the power of the Holy Spirit if we live surrendered to His will.
God has a unique calling for every follower of Christ. Do you know what yours is? Are you living to fulfill His call on your life? He can do extraordinary things through you! What will people say about you when God calls out, “Oars up”?
Stop and Consider . . .
(To learn more about Suzanne, go to https://suzannemaurer.com)
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