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Jasmine’s Memorial Page
Morris’ Musings
Occassionally, I will break from a series to share what’s on my mind, my “musings.” You will find them by clicking on “Morris’ Musings” to the right.
Widows and Widowers
The Woman at the Well
This intriguing story is about a “divine appointment” where Jesus crossed social barriers to meet this woman’s deepest needs. It is about redemption but much more. Ultimately, we can be encouraged by knowing that God sees our past failures and present struggles, not to condemn us but to transform our lives.
Top 7 Life Lessons for Moving Forward
Subsequent to losing a loved one, people often say, “You just need to move on.” But “moving on” infers that we leave the life that we had with the person behind, discounting the importance of the relationship. No, we “move forward,” meaning that we carry the memories with us – our shared experiences, joys, and struggles. Suffering a loss does not mean that all life is lost. God redeems the bad things that happen, transforming them into vehicles for growth. In the months since losing Jasmine, I have been reflecting upon the experience, and God has taught me several life lessons to move forward. This is a series of the top 10. Stop and Consider . . .
God and My Journey With Jasmine
I share how God was working in me during Jasmine’s battle with COVID.
Jasmine’s COVID Journey
These posts track Jasmine’s journey during her hospitalization.
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